Not poetry nor journal
not news on new paper
words exist as gift
at present a thought
play with me will you
see through the lines
this space shadow
separate light
with darkness
in this space shadow
we insert word
they create idea
symbol becomes meaning
life the story
we the bard
lacking of no thing
every thing at command
mighty pen in hand
write the free verse
the verse to set us free
write Jazz for 1984
who’s listening
to the words
words lie
but that ain’t what we’re all about
words tell the truth
words are symbols
cymbals ring out as bell
symbol bells to ring true
words can lie
words can tell truth
words can be done and over
while words can be done over
words picture thought
for all to see
we need the eye
that I may see
we need the word
that we may be
©2013-2015 blindfish butler
Shakespeares, Sonnet 152, In Loving thee thou knowst i am forsworn
Text from Original 1609 Quarto
Transcription courtesy of University of Virginia Library:
In louing thee thou know’st I am forsworne,
But thou art twice forsworne to me loue swearing,
In act thy bed-vow broake and new faith torne,
In vowing new hate after new loue bearing:
But why of two othes breach doe I accuse thee,
When I breake twenty: I am periur’d most,
For all my vowes are othes but to misuse thee:
And all my honest faith in thee is lost
For I haue sworne deepe othes of thy deepe kindnesse:
Othes of thy loue, thy truth, thy constancie,
And to inlighten thee gaue eyes to blindnesse,
Or made them swere against the thing they see.
For I haue sworne thee faire: more periurde eye,
To swere against the truth so foule a lie.
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