
Avatar came to earth that day
some saw two, three, maybe six they say
winged beings from heaven, cloud, and sky
here to save mankind before we die
angels on earth among us they live
blessed child called them love here to forgive

they spoke to the people a story to tell
about doors of salvation ‘tween heaven and hell
a place called paradise right here on earth
they called it our birthright born of this birth
light heaven maintain we all are the same
this world constant change that is the game

enlightenment they say will come to us all
time is eternal, our world is a ball
a circle, a whole, a metaphysical whirl
there is fire and water, a boy and a girl
around the tree we are told is where they learned
for truth of God knowledge need not be spurned

avatar seed to nurture they sow
time with attention to make a crop grow
years of kind service affection and love
this seed came from somewhere call it above
good crop took root reach sunlight it bowed
raised its head high further white cloud

soul leads to spirit from there to blue sky
nourish the truth thus never to die
love, honor, cherish that sometime not seen
these things are forever with goodness they bring
avatar flew heaven to earth it is said
do not wait to meet God till after you’re dead

God is our earth, our heaven, our sky
our people are God, as are you, as am I
God is One if this that you choose
we not separate God from that of his roots
all people the same seek only to live
the seed is love, it is love you must give

©2015 blindfish butler