My Mind, My Old Friend


My mind, my old friend
what did they teach you
fear or love
only these two exist
one with the other one
this dualistic dance
that cause effect
origin to creation
sane to in sane
in to sane again
turn off the lights
let the sun shine

My mind, birth mother
born of this and that
love and fear
to fear the love
to love the fear
to love is love
while fear is fear
all one emotion
moving in picture show
across old and familiar theater
hang-over birth of new age saga
greatest story to ever be told
greatest story forever be sold

a bell rings once
but its meaning
is liberation and separation
twofold play of expression
ask not for whom
what emotion brings
for them they will repeat
ask not for whom
with motion and sound
her bell awakens
as sleeping giant
humbled from ashes fired by the sun
arisen mythos of compassion
and blown into the wind by God

©2013-2015 blindfish butler

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