Welcome to Paradise

Land of Giants and Men, flying Merkaba Air

“It was an unusual flight”, thought the traveler. She wondered in which world had she had landed this time. “Namaste”, the gate greeter wished, bowing gracefully, “welcome to paradise.” A halo of garland was laid upon the traveler’s head. “Thank you for flying Merkaba Air”, serenely offered the attendant.

“Where am I”, asked the traveler? The greeter nodded politely and smiled, “you have come to the Land of Giants and Men. In this place all things are possible, all things are but an image of possibilities and probabilities. Here things work beyond knowledge of logic and empiricism, they work by knowledge of intuition.”

The traveler, only wishing a vacation from thought, thought none the less, “this is an unusual land.” Interested as she was to enjoy her vacation, she asked about the local culture. A pixie appeared to announce, “this is the Land of Giants and Men.” Pixie presented a guide. A picture guide which explained this was a land of healing through light and love. Here, light and love was the source energy.

The guide told a tale of giants being a very ancient order of intelligence. The giants lived in a society that had learned to co-exist. A society that valued art, music, culture, peace, unity, and knowledge. The giants had learned to live without war amongst themselves or their neighbors, man. Although, at one time, the order of giants and the order of men were at contrast. Then the men lived in a different world.

Men existed on the other side of a grey rainbow. They engaged in petty and selfish behaviors. They would deceive one another and behave aggressively toward each other. They had not learned to love one another. Because of this unenlightened view of man, the rainbow which connected the land of giants and men was grey.

The traveler, now fully adjusted and awake, asked the pixie, “What’s the local food and where do I go for lodging.” The pixie presented a menu and a luxury hotel materialized in the background. “Whatever you want dear traveler, this is your journey. This land was made possible by men learning the miracle of healing through light and love. A quick demonstration to show how it’s done, and then you may enjoy your vacation with unlimited possibilities.” “Alright”, mused the traveler, “I might as well learn about local traditions.”

The pixie presented a prism. A diamond shaped crystal of large dimension. Pixie explained, “in this mystical crystal is the process of pixelation. Once, the men who had existed in a black and white world, were close to failure. Their world was decaying in grey. They called upon the giants for help. The giants presented man with the magical crystal. They allowed man to climb upon their shoulders and raise the reflecting glass to the sun. Out of this was born a rainbow of color. A rainbow which heals through light and love.”

The rainbow of color carried a photon message. Healing crystal converted the message of light energy into the message of love energy. The energy of light and love transformed into the message of forgiveness. Forgiveness allowed all travelers to be free. Free to travel. Free to discover new worlds.

Pixie furthered explained that the images which appeared in the traveler’s mind, were the images of photon pixilation. These images had been gathered through the travels of all travelers throughout time. These pictures, all pictures, existed in photo record of mind. All pictures were available for the traveler’s viewing in the light and love of forgiveness. Man ascended from darkness by standing on the shoulders of giants so that they too could see in the light and love of forgiveness. The traveler was amused. “Enjoy your vacation”, the attendant offered serenely. “Welcome to Paradise.”



 blindfish butler

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