God’s Children


Father gathered the children
time to teach the game
something’s happening
now beautiful children exclaim
bliss and contentment
previously unknown
mental peace, so long evasive
clarity, slow and focused

we want to play the game
the thought game, the dream game
the philosophy game
Father teach us the game won’t you
play the game with us won’t you
anything you dream is possible
all dreams are allowed
no malice is the only rule

anything that feels this good
must be okay
perhaps I’ve eaten from the poisonous fruit
no malice – sorry
then we have eaten from ripe fruit of knowledge
yes – allowed
insight of wisdom
of truth, beauty, love
of God and creation
behold God
One in All
All In One

you see it, you breathe it, you feel it
you are it
you are home, home is God
we are God’s children
God’s children are God
don’t get lost in the words
see the essence, the purity, the energy
yes the energy, the light
in all things, all matter, all life, all creation
the hum, the buzz, the glow, the spark, the sound
but this just a glimpse, there is so much more

so you sat under the tree
reflecting on Buddha
doing the lotus you discover home
we remember, hey wait a minute
we are God’s children
a very special place to be
all special, all One
this too remember
this is the concept of Oneness
being you discover you are one
hearing that cannon go off
we wonder what is the purpose
God’s work, One will, One purpose

as the Creator must create
so too does the Creator have intention for creation
so we are home as God’s children
here to do that work
we wonder what could that be for me
don’t sweat the details
we’ll fill in the pages as we write the book
more important to understand
how God’s children behave
for this will cause Oneness to abound

Father taught that the game was play
we play all the while and enjoy
Father taught that the game was work
we work all the while and enjoy
but how can a child enjoy work
all the while remember
behave as God’s children
then you come to see enjoyment of work
enlightenment comes
work becomes play

remember the middle path
don’t get too hungry, too lonely
too angry, too tired
there are many paths along the way
but there is only One way
the way of truth
truth of God
his love for his children
this is a blessing
enjoy the game
you dreamed it
one afternoon long ago

blindfish butler

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