Ouroboros Daydream

ouroboros triangle sun

Once there was a boy who loved to daydream. Upon his birth, the medicine woman who assisted him into the world told his parents that this boy would love to daydream. The medicine woman gave him the name Eli, which she chose for its meaning. It meant ascent, or God is the most high.

The boy use to daydream daily. He would go for long walks on the Light Path of Shadow Forest. Here he would think about all things in the world and beyond. He could daydream on anything. Eli’s favorite saying was, “If I can imagine it, I can create it.” Most enjoyably, Eli’s favorite thing to daydream on was God.

The boy came from a village that believed in God. They believed so much that they actually named the village itself after God. The village was called God Is. The funny thing is though, not all the villagers believed the same thing. Yes, they had certain unifying principles, but the village believed God was a concept that continued to evolve. They believed God was a process much greater than ourselves. They left it up to each man, woman, and child to decide on exactly what they thought God is. Every one of the villagers believed God was eternal and infinite, absolute and perfect, all powerful, but after that, it was a personal belief.

The boy’s village held the philosophy that no matter how great they thought God to be, God would always be greater than man’s ability to describe. God was more sublime than man’s thoughts about God could ever conceive. That is how great. Man’s attempt to define God only placed limits on the vastness that God is. Still, everybody did it, and thinking about, daydreaming about God was Eli’s favorite thing to do.

One day while daydreaming on the Light Path of Shadow Forest, the boy came across a woman and her children playing in a meadow. He watched this for a while, the mother and children having fun in the meadow. He began to get a feeling, a peaceful, serene, and warm feeling. As he daydreamed on the sight, Eli began to think, “this is God, a mother’s love for her children. God is love.” He was pleased.

A little further up the path, the boy noticed an old man sitting on a rock. He did not recognize this man from the village. The man had long, flowing white hair and a long, long white beard. He wore a golden robe with a light that surrounded him. A shining light that called out to Eli that this man was very special.

The old man, seeing the boy, invited him over to the rock. “Come son”, he instructed in a kind voice, “come over to me.” Eli greeted the man. They chatted a while enjoying each other’s company. The old man told the boy that he was a professor of history. He explained, “history has taught me that mankind has looked for God for its entire existence. They have formed many ideas on God and these ideas have been passed down and transformed from generation to generation, from tribe to tribe. Eli thought to himself, “God is time and history.” He bid goodbye to the old man and continued his walk. He was pleased.

Later the boy came across a little girl standing on a river bank. She was observing nature. “Hi”, she said, “what are you doing”? “Thinking about God,” Eli replied. “Me too,” she said, “I see God everywhere in nature”. “I see her when the spider spins a new web from within herself. I see her when little reptiles shed their old skin to dawn a new. I see her when sun shines through forest trees. I see God everywhere.”

Eli thought to himself, “God is nature”. Then the boy had a vision. He exclaimed, “God is Love, History, and Nature, everything in One!” He reflected in the river and saw that he himself had become an old man. He wondered aloud, “what is this and how will I cross this river?” “I will help you,” said the little girl, “I have crossed many times before.” “But how can you have crossed many times before,” Eli asked, “when you are just a little girl?” She smiled, “try to imagine, after all, this is your Ouroboros Daydream.”

©2016 blindfish butler