Dreamingly we lay awake at the union
invited guest welcomed to the oneness of duality
mankind as pastor, bride and groom
holy grail, chosen receptacle of sacred and blessed
the Marriage of Opposites
heaven’s bridal kiss bestowed on loving earth
sacred mother all giving, all receiving eternal vessel
ethereal embrace with fingers of light
formed of creation spreading seed and spark
oneness in union sending forth sun
as beautiful, mysterious sister moon
allows all to dance in her twilight
then to be born again, arisen and awake
completed in cycle, sunlight, moonlight, one light
what greater beauty witness eyes of the world
in this separate dualism which appears and perceives
doors of the mind are unlocked by visions of the heart
a marriage united soul reunion with where it began
please be sure this is where it returns
as no man can stop time nor fate
the seed of all life contains all life
just as the seed of all love contains all love
forever planted by timeless design
in sacred body of earth, the mother
and this be told with no man given right
to prostitute the mother, nor castrate the father
as truth’s proclamation from heaven
is truth’s echo in the garden
we will wake them and set them free
from a stoned walking death that is the graveyard prison
they that are the essence formed of creation
exalted in all primal existence
human being-being human
then we honor the sacred mother, beloved father
so as light is shone in the garden for Adam and Eve
so too does sun shine allow tree of life to bear fruit
so too must moon shine allow song to be sung
so too must sleep slumber allow dream to arise
and so too must sun shine allow dream to survive
witness to the wedding, Marriage of Opposites
©2015 blindfish butler